Published by May 14, 2021

Summer Learning (and a Little Fun)

Summer is a great time to relax. But it’s important to keep kids learning over the break from school.

Teaching & Learning Stuff has everything you need to make sure students retain the knowledge they’ve learned during the school year.

Summer learning can be fun! A simple globe can be your platform for practicing essential skills in a relaxed way.

Plan an Imaginary Trip

Grab a globe and have your child research a place they’d like to go.

  • What’s the weather like?
  • What kinds of animals and plants might you see?
  • What are the must-see landmarks and natural features that you’ll want to visit? Who built them, or how were they formed?
  • Who is a historical figure from the area’s past that you would like to have as a tour guide?
  • Is there a museum dedicated to an important event in their history?
  • What type of government do they have?
  • What scientific advances have originated here?
  • What are some of the most common jobs people have now or in the past?

Answering these questions can help students explore geography, geology, biology, history, economics, and science. They’ll be covering core concepts while they develop important researching skills.

The world is an amazing place! Get out – while staying in – and explore.

Take it a Step Further

For even more fun, have your child invent an imaginary place to visit. They’ll need to work out all the same aspects of their imaginary location as they researched for real places. They should be able to explain and understand how all the different parts relate. For example if they choose a desert climate, they can’t also choose fishing as an economic resource.

Spin the Globe!

Give the globe a spin and then stop it with the tip of your finger. Wherever your finger lands, make a list of everything you know about that spot on Earth. Then research it and see if you were right. Land in the middle of the ocean? Research that too!

Plan a Virtual Stay-cation

Want to “stay” in the US for your virtual vacation? Check out School Zone’s Travel the Great States activity book.

Arizona is a diverse state. Travel (for real) north to the forest, or keep going and discover the beauty of the painted desert. Did you know Arizona used to be under a sea? Plan your weekend getaway and learn about Arizona’s geology and history to sneak in some stealth summer learning.

Summer Bridge Prevents Summer Learning Loss

Learn more about the best summer learning book on the planet. Only 15 minutes a day is all it takes.

Summer Bridge Learning sample pages



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