Published by February 9, 2018

Particularly for Parents: Mastering Multiplication and Division

Multiplication and Division-We Can Help With That

It’s easy to see why multiplication and division are so important. Real world applications are at the top of the list, of course, but it’s more than just that. Understanding how and why these two operations work is the first part; they are taught together to show that one operation is the reverse of the other. The second is mastery, or, procedural fluency. Think of the times tables as some of the “sight words” for math.

Like addition and subtraction, multiplication and division also greatly benefit from memorization. For a little more about procedural fluency see the addition posthere.  These two skills can be simple steps for some, for others, a big hurdle. Join us while we show you some options to help smooth out these big steps on the road to mastering multiplication and division!

Flashcards and Friends

Flash cards are a long established tool, and often the first reached for. But why? Simple. They work, especially for visual learners. Flashcards are also portable, inexpensive, and flexible, among other things. They can be used alone or with a partner. Most of our flashcards come with teaching ideas, including how to turn them into games! Not only do flashcards use repetition, they also use active recall, both of which lead to better retention.

Or check out the Math Wheels! Hands-on manipulatives and curriculum cut-outs keep students engaged while learning important concepts. Math Wheels can be used during whole-class instruction, independent practice, and small-group instruction. We also have electronic flashcards, like Hot DotsMinute Math, and Math TrekkerMath in a Flash™ is a good option, being kid-sized and extra portable! Don’t forget the Wrap Ups, either for single use or classroom packs, as well as the companion workbook designed to learn multiplication facts FAST!

Books for Multiplication and Division

Speaking of workbooks, a subject-tailored option can be found in our variety of Spectrum workbooks and is a good place to start. Also consider a good daily math workbook; we have many options! Picking a workbook with the matching grade should have the same type of work your student is currently working on in a school setting. Don’t hesitate to go up or down depending on your child’s particular level or needs.

Why workbooks? A few simple reasons. Workbooks put the concepts in a format they already know and will be using in class. Repetition can lead to retention. Also, your child will see their progress as they use up the book, and that’s motivating all on its own. This method requires you to check on progress so the student doesn’t end up with a workbook full of repeated mistakes because they weren’t caught early on.

Want supplemental ideas for practice? Get Coloring Squared with compelling pixel art coloring puzzles that combine the fun of coloring with rigorous math fact practice. Another good alternative or supplemental option for teaching is Bar Model math which uses the Singapore method, or you might want to order one of our full Singapore bundles which touches on critical thinking through word problems as well.

Tools and Toys

Games are an excellent tool to re-enforce facts. Pick from a selection of classics like Bingo to single player electronics like Multiplication Slam or card games like ZOOM!™.

 Motivate learning by bringing the fun in! No tool is better than one a child will want to use! Bring in some dice activities for a fun hands-on learning experience.



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