Job Application

Job Title: Part-Time Sales Representative

Job #4640 at our Corporate Office Corporate Office Location

Position: Part-Time — Permanent

How Can We Contact You?

Name is required
Valid email is required
Phone number is required

This job is at our Corporate Office Location (PO Box 12635, Glendale, AZ 85318). Do you live close enough that you'll always be on time for your shift?

You must verify that you live near the Corporate Office location

Have you ever been in one of our stores?

You must answer if you have visited our stores

What Days and Hours Are You Available to Work?

Your availability is required

Tell Us About Yourself

Experience is required

This is required

How many hours do you hope to work?

Desired hours is required
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Everyone was super nice. There was lots of great stuff for my class. They gave me a tour of what to look for and where to find it. It was a great first experience. I will definitely go back
